Christmas and post-Christmas at Bristol
Somehow, it’s already February and Christmas is becoming a distant memory! To be honest, that time of year is probably my favourite in Bristol. The lights when walking home down Park Street remind you of the approach of Christmas, and that’s just kind of exciting to be honest. But also because if you walk down to Broadmead, near Cabot Circus around that time, there’s lots of Christmas stalls up, it’s incredibly festive, and you can some of the best fresh doughnuts I’ve ever eaten. Totally recommended.
I needed the Christmas break. While December is my favourite time of year, it’s also one of the busiest, particularly the last couple of weeks of term. As well as the usual work involved, watching a Spanish film, the news in Italian, revising the Italian passato remoto, which I’d almost completely forgotten existed, there’s all the extra-curricular events you want to attend. I debate at BDU (Bristol Debating Union), and it’s a good opportunity to have some fun, get a drink, debate with excellent speakers and take it a little easier. Oh and by the way, there’s applications to send off.
I’m hoping to go into law after my undergraduate degree, and that involves applying for training contracts, vacation schemes, and trying to perfect every single application. And on top of everything else, I had a 3000-word essay to write over Christmas, which involved preparatory reading, checking books out of the library, and making sure I had everything I needed for the vacation (which is not all holiday by any means!). And then there’s the short matter of actually showing up to lectures. The last thing you want is to get so distracted with other things you fall behind on your actual work, because that means more catching up and more time spent later.
Ah the student life. Though the days of drinking at most (all) hours of the day are long gone, there’s still time to enjoy myself and have fun, and spend time with good friends. To be honest, I love doing all of the stuff I’ve said here. It’s work that’s challenging and gives you an opportunity to learn about so much, and to do so at a place with amazing friends and wonderful people. That as much as anything, is the student life.
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