End of Term 1
Hi everyone! It has been a hectic term but I’m feeling extremely rewarded having just handed in two big coursework assignments over the last couple of weeks. They were both 3000-word essays and the deadlines were one week apart, so managing all of this was quite stressful as I also had presentations to prepare, and commitments to meet for my part-time job. The essays were on French tragedy from the 17th Century, and the state of democracy in Latin America — if you’re looking for a taste of university life, I spent most evenings working till around midnight, and incidentally, on deadline days I ended up working through the night until the following morning with less than an hour to spare before submission at noon.
But, now that these have finally passed I can relax a little more and get ready for my exams in January. I have two, some people have more, others less, and others none. The first term will end this Friday, before everyone will go home for holiday before coming back in late January. My exams are in the same modules (French tragedy and Latin American history), so revision should be an orderly matter of catching up on my reading and going over the key themes/subject areas. As an arts student, my exams are written and will require me to produce two or three essays during a two- or three-hour period.
Otherwise, I will be spending the holidays in parts of Germany and France. It will be a welcome break where I can see my family and catch up on my job search, or look into Master’s programmes for next year. That’s all for now, looking forward to our Google Hangout next month!
Kind regards,
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